In windows, firstly, save this and DISCONNECT from the inte
click on start then run, then type in cleanmgr.exe
run disk cleanup to remove all temp files, this will stop it coming back.
next... click on start then run then " msconfig "
after it appears, click on " start up " then " disable all " then apply then close/ok.
then restart your computer.
after restart, connect to the inte
IN inte
et expolarer, click on tools then " manage addons ".
a box named manage-addons appears.
scroll down and disable ALL the addons.
left click then hit disable, if u get a message box just agree to disable it.
once they are all disabled...
CLick on tools then inte
et options.
Reset your homepage, as the virus/trojan hijacks it to another one, and then remove all the connections from the connections tab that shouldnt be there.
close and reopen inte
et expolarer.
Now.... the last thing i did was installed ADaware SE <- goggle this, install / update (if u ahve it already) and do a full scan.
when u come to the end it might complain about not removing some files. and it`ll ask to remove them on restart. say yes and restart. |